Some PNG format graphics will incorporated into this site. Details can be found at the Portable Network Graphics Home Page. Inline PNG images are supported by Netscape Navigator 4.04 and MSIE 4.0.
Some pictures of the no-longer newest member of the Schmitt Family, Jason!
The Teske Family (my wife's) had their 50th reunion on July 7, 1996. Here's a small (~140K) copy of the group portrait. I've also added id numbers to the same picture here. If you can, please let me know the names of anyone you can identify. Lastly, here's a larger (~600K) copy of the portrait in JPEG format. I'll be linking in a list of people we've identified soon.
Grandad brought his digital camera, here's the pictures he took.
Here's the family portraits we had done in November 1996.
Portraits of Jason from May 1997.
On Memorial Day 1997, we went to the park.
Portraits of Gregory (& Jason) from June 1997.
A few portraits of the extended Lacina Family taken in Nov. 1997. Note: This page uses PNG thumbnails and links to PNG images.
More portraits of Gregory and Jason, take on Jason's second birthday (May 21, 1998). Note: these are also in PNG format.
Here's photos from Thanksgiving Weekend 1998.
On the Ides of March 1999 we had silhouettes done of Jason and Gregory
. Note: these PNG format files are scanned
at 480dpi so will appear larger than your screen. To see them at
print-size, scale them to 15%. Each file is ~900K.
Over April 11 - 12, 1999 we celebrated the Beginning of Spring!
Finally another update! Photos taken in Fort Worth, Texas at Ben Schmitt's 100th Birthday Party by Henry and Roland. There's lots of thumbnails on each page, so it may take some time to download.