SAE's Volcano

Performed 1980

Sung to the tune of Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Sigma Alpha Epsilon each year (around Halloween?) staged a regular Rush event called the Dante's Inferno party. The signature piece (which was rebuilt each year) was a papier-mache volcano, about ten feet tall, which covered the entrance to their house. The volcano "erupted" on the hour, using a small amount of gunpowder.

One year, they used a bit too much...

Sig-ma Al-pha Ep-si-lon
Social's moving right along
Rushing by the score...
Freshmen lying drunk on the basement flo-o-o-or.

Took a favorite party theme,
Built a mountain full of steam,
Charged it more and more...
Someone lit the fuse and we heard a ro-o-o-oar.

And as we looked out over the Quad,
We saw their windows fly!
BANG! BANG! S-A-E's volcano blew up upon their heads,
BANG! BANG! S-A-E's volcano filled all of us with dread.

Dean Swank jumped out of bed,
Put the phone up to his head,
Called Security...
"Get out and see if they've bombed Warner ha-a-a-all!"

Into their vans they flew,
Reached the battlefield by two,
Answering that call...
Windows shattered out to Mon-roe-ville ma-a-a-all!

And as we looked out over the Quad,
We saw their lions fall!
BANG! BANG! S-A-E's volcano blew up upon their heads,
BANG! BANG! S-A-E's volcano filled all of us with dread.

I remember some of us (maybe it was only me) worrying about whether this song would be received as a tribute or as a put-down. As I recall, the SAE's loved it.