My Résumé

Support Freedom and Privacy!
Here are my PGP Keys. I use PGP Encryption on my personal system. I welcome PGP encrypted mail at
Henry at
My work: Internet Consultant at Cedar Services Consulting
My volunteer project: The Family Alliance
My family: Schmitt Family Home Page.
A view from above my house.
Note: This link is from Switzerland, and generates a large (320x320) graphic in real-time; so it's slow! Be patient, it's worth the wait.
I'm an alumnus of Pi Lambda Phi's Beta Zeta Chapter at CMU.
Dr. Seuss's Philosophy of the Internet

From there to here,
from here to there,
funny things
are everywhere
- Internet Censorship
- The Microsoft Menace
Pretty Pictures!
CNAM (French) Astro GIFs
World Flags
Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures
Rob's Multimedia Lab
Pittsburgh Weather
From the Three River FreeNet
From The Weather Underground
Interesting Servers
InterNIC Directory and Database Services
The Naturist Society
- The Government
The Whitehouse!
The House of Representatives
The US Senate
The Library of Congress
Front Door to NASA's WWW Servers
- Computers
Apple Support Information
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Association for Computing Machinery
IEEE Computer Society
Four11 Directory Services
- Science
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
James Randi
The Exploratorium
The Why? files - Science behind the News
Scientific American
O'Reilly and Associates' Resource Center
National Address Server
The Internet Business Pages
Kath Schmitt - My Wife
Brian Byrnes
Davie Creighton
Joey Kennedy
Terry Kennedy
Robb Miles
Patrick S. Rogan
Eric Shulman
Karen Walters
Bob Zimmermann
My Netscape Bookmarks
Information about Sarcoidosis
jagubox A/UX Info.
Yanoff's Internet List
Serchable index of USENET FAQs
UnixWorld Online
American Universities
The PGP Net.
Pittsburgh Map Database from the Scandal Project
A table of Pittsburgh Domains
The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
If you'd like to see them, here's some pictures of my son Gregory.
Or how about some baby pictures of his little brother Jason.